
Comments (118)

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Allarme Janik. Allarme Janik. Livello di pericolo: Ciccio Illuminy.

Il leprecauno ha postato un nuovo video e tutti devono andarlo a vedere o verranno trasformati in Sessuminy. Questa non è un esercitazione, ripeto, non è un esercitazione.

In caso di attacco da parte del leprecauno verde, mostrare il video di Midagames che twerka.

this is truly the game i didn't ask for but i needed



This is a fangame of FNaI inspired by FNaFB. You control Illuminy, who decided to have a hardcore night of debauchery and to destroy the entire location, The only thing that is stopping him are the surveillance cameras protected by the security systems installed by the owner of the pizzeria to prevent Illuminy from f***ing everything up.


  • Funny Italian TTS voice acting

  • TNwS humor

  • Erectile dysfunction, a lot of it

  • Unhinged characters and situations

  • Illuminette

  • Chinese Beatboxing

#adventure #strategy #fnaf #rpg #fnai #illuminy #fangame

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Alcohol Reference
Drug Reference
Tobacco Reference
Suggestive Themes
Mild Language
Comical Shenanigans
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